Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Manga Read: Kuroshitsuji Chapter 39

Yay! Many thanks to Bleach Asylum for putting out the scanlations for the latest chapter to Kuroshitsuji! Please join Bleach Asylum to thank the wonderful team for their effort! (^_^) 

Right. This chapter continues on to the party that Ciel is going to hold at his Phantomhive mansion. The name list of the guest seems pretty impressive and everybody pays respect to Ciel's title. There's also the appearance of Lau and Ran Mao. Ran Mao is so well-endowed and the way she sticks to Georg is so funny. Heehee...

Yana introduced a new character, Arthur, and he's such an endearing guy. Poor guy got overlooked during the introductions and it was cute to see him dwelling by himself, wishing that he could go home instead of being at the party. Ciel came to his rescue by sitting next to him and started a conversation about his works.

Ciel is also impressive and gallant when he protected a female guest, Irene Diaz, from being splashed with water by Georg. Georg was being an asshole for trying to touch Irene and he was incensed that Irene told him off, hence the water splashing incident.

However, the chapter ended with Georg's murder in his room. Who could have done it and why did they want to kill him? I think it's a nice coincidence that Yana drew Ciel in a Sherlock Holmes getup since this chapter is embarking on an investigation trail with that murder.

Plus she ended the chapter by writing that the horrifying curtain has been lifted in the Phantomhive mansion. What does she mean by that? It certainly leaves the reader wanting more. Aww.. Now I have got to wait till 18 December before the next chapter is released.

It's amazing that Kuroshitsuji has gone on such a long journey and now it's hitting the big chapter 4-0. Wee, Congratulations Yana!


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