Monday, 30 November 2009

Anime Watch: InuYasha Kanketsu Hen

Credit: Anime News Network

Finally, we get to see the last volumes of the popular manga, InuYasha, being animated on TV. The new and final season titled InuYasha Kanketsu Hen (or InuYasha The Final Act) started airing on Japan TV on 3rd October 2009 (my birthday! woo~) and started airing in the States the next day.

The volumes being animated are from 36 - 56 (end) and will officially conclude the anime series for InuYasha. Even though I have not yet seen the previous seasons of the anime, I am still watching the new season as I have finished reading the manga and thus I can follow the anime without any problem.

So far I have watched up to episode 8, where we bid farewell to Kikyo as she passed away in InuYasha's arms. Naraku had wanted to kill Kikyo so that she would die in his arms, the person whom she hated the most. Luckily InuYasha managed to get her back from Naraku before she dies. Still her injuries are too serious for her to recover and InuYasha shared a poignant last kiss with Kikyo before she turned into petals and floated away into the sky.

Here is episode 1 of the anime. I will slowly post links to each episode if I can.

Watch Inuyasha  Kanketsu-hen 01[Sub] in Anime  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Nowadays it is not easy to find animes on the web as these are unauthorised airing of the shows. However for asians fans like me, this is the only way to catch our favourite animes as our local TV network is not good enough to bring these animes to our shores. *sighs* 

So enjoy the videos while they last. See ya!


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