Saturday, 20 February 2010

Manga Read: Kuroshitsuji Chapter 42

Wee! Kuroshitsuji chapter 42 is out for reading! Please join Bleach Asylum and thank them for another wonderful release!

In this chapter, we see the guests trying to figure out how Sebastian was murdered and why he got two fatal wounds in two such different locations, namely his head and abdomen. They even thought that a second murderer might be on the loose too.

Meanwhile Ciel appoints Tanaka as the replacement butler for Sebastian. The moment Tanaka wears the butler badge, he transformed into a different person. He looked so much different from what Yana had portrayed him previously. Whether it's going to be good or not is dependent on the next chapter.

But before chapter 42 ends, we get another murder and this time round, it's Phelps. My my, the plot gets more twisted as the arc goes on. Three murders in the space of two nights can be a bit much for a detective to swallow, eh? Plus the owl that Sebastian had entrusted to Mayrin was shot down by someone. Who was it? What is exactly going on? That is all that remains to be seen and I doubt we will get any answers soon.

Hopefully we get more insight into this arc in the next chapter in March 2010. See ya!


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