Thursday, 15 October 2009

Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change

This year, I have decided to participate in the Blog Action Day, which focuses on climate change for 2009. You can read more about it here ~

Every year, climate change remains an important part of global environmental topics and this year is no different. In Singapore, the National Environment Agency put up its own climate change programme with the slogan, "Fight Climate Change, Conserve Energy, Save Money". You can view the website here ~ National Environment Agency.

Climate change affects humanity in a number of ways. It can range from the change in weather temperature to rising sea levels to increment in cost of food. In relative to Singapore, a change in weather would meant we are getting hotter days/nights and rainier storms. This could have an adverse effect on our health, causing us to suffer from heatstroke or colds and flus.

As for cost of food, we citizens are affected directly in the pocket as we import most of our food from outside countries. Climate change can cause vegetation to wither and die, thus resulting in lesser food and pushing up the selling prices for these vegetables and fruits. Even life-stocks such as meat and fish are not spared either.

This in turn will cause our cost of living to increase and our disposable income will be affected. When that happens, consumer overall spending will decrease and in turn our national GDP will be affected and reduced.

From this we can see how a tiny change in temperature can escalate into serious national problem. When that happens, it could affect the whole global environment. That is why we need to address the issue of climate change urgently in order to prevent such a scenario from happening.

What we can do on our part as a ciziten of this Earth is to use more efficient ways to use energy to reduce our carbon footprints to help fight climate change. NEA provides some little tips that can help us in our daily lives so that we can help in the cause of climate change. There is also a little energy challenge booklet that can be downloaded for more tips on energy saving tips.

For my own part, I use fan to cool my room instead of an air-con unit but I don't own an air-con unit in my house anyway. I also use energy-saving light bulbs for lightings in my house to reduce the energy usage. These are the small little things that I can help to contribute to fight the climate change.

What about you? Please help to do your part in whatever you can to help save our mother earth. We only have 1 mother earth and it is up to us to save it with our own efforts.


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