Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Wee! I'm in for RMIT University!

Finally! The day that I have been waiting has arrived!

I have gotten my letter of acceptance from the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) that I have successfully get in to my course at RMIT University.

The course that I will be taking is Bachelor of Business (Management) and I managed to get the Pathway C, which means that I can complete my degree in 18 months, provided I study hard and pass everything! =D

So if everything goes well, I could graduate by the end of next year! That sounds so fast! Oh my. I'm getting so excited that my mind is kind of a whirlpool right now.

The utmost concern for me is the payment of the cost of study. I wondering if I should take up some finance loans but I am so blur with all those finance stuffs. Anyway I have got to submit my reply to SIM by 27 May 2009 in order to secure my place in the course. Oh man. That's only like a few weeks away.

With any luck, I should be able to start school by 1 July 2009. Hopefully everything will go well for me. Oh man. Even though I couldn't get into my first choice of university (that would be the University of Manchester), RMIT university isn't that bad either and it's an Australian university too.

All right. So I have to start pulling up my socks and get into it. Otherwise it would be money going down the drain, eh?

Heehee... I am so happy! Wee!!! I still can't believe my luck that I got into the course. With my lousy scores, I thought I was a goner.

PS. Today is actually Selina's birthday, I wonder did any of her luck came to me? Hmmm.... I am thinking too much. XD


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