Sunday, 1 March 2009

My Cable TV at Home

After subscribing to Starhub cable TV for 3 years, I finally bothered to search and locate the respective channels that I subscribed to.

For a long time, I didn't tune in to the cable channels as my mum preferred to watch the local channel 8 chinese dramas. But despite not watching any cable channels, I still have to pay for the monthly subscription fees that amounted to about S$40 per month.

In any case, I have checked upon Starhub's website and found the subscription plans here.

Currently, I am subscribing to Education, Entertainment and Chinese Entertainment basic group package. I didn't even realize I had access to Star World, which is currently showing Heroes Season 3.

However, I am not watching it as I probably have missed too many episodes and I don't know which episode the season is currently showing now.

Anyway I'll see how things go because I rarely watch TV nowadays even though I bought my Samsung 40" LCD TV last year. *grinz*


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