Sunday, 14 December 2008

New Moon Gets a New Director

According to this report, the new sequel to the hugely successful Twilight, New Moon, will be getting a new director, Chris Weitz.

Director Chris Weitz. Hm, doesn't look very good, imo. LOL.

Stars of Twilight, Robert Pattison & Kristen Stewart.

His previous work included The Golden Compass, which was a box-office bomb. At least, that was the case in Singapore. Hmmm... would he be a suitable steward for New Moon? That remains to be seen.

So far, I still have yet to see Twilight in the theatres although sneak previews are out. I'd rather wait for the official release of the movie which is coming this Thursday. What's the difference between sneak previews and the official release anyway? I still don't get it.



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