Saturday, 19 July 2008

Really Old Piece of "Antique"

Look what the cat had brought in! Figuratively speaking, of course. Actually it was my mum who found this gem but then she dismantled apart for the sake of taking out the copper wire for sale. Take a look at the pictures below:

Yep, it's a very old piece of computer keyboard. One that you thought you'll never see it again. This probably belongs to the 486 series or perhaps much earlier. Notice that there are no Windows buttons that mark today's keyboard.

The placement of the F1 to F10 keys are also not your typical keyboard style. The control button is also different and the number pad has no Enter key.

This is such an old, old piece of "antique" which used to belong to my cousin. Now my mum has tore the computer apart to get to the wires. Sad though, I didn't manage to get a picture of the whole computer. Not even the mouse. Mum had threw it away by then. =(

Such a special equipment deserves a little mention. Wee...


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