Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Awesome Starbucks Gold Card

One thing that never fails to make me happy is Starbucks. That's right, I am a newly converted Starbucks fan and damn proud of it. Recently I had managed to achieve Gold Level in the Star Reward Program. So what did I get from Starbucks? 

Yep, another Starbucks card from them but this time, the entire card is in gold colour! Of course, it is not made from gold but the sheer colour makes me squee with joy. It's really pretty, as you can see in the attached photo below. 

This card operates the same way as the other Starbucks card so there isn't really any major difference, save for its elegant appearance. So far I have yet to top up any money in it but I shall be keeping it for a long time~ 

So what do you think of Starbucks Gold Card? 

Funny GIF of Rain

I found this gem on Tumblr and it's so funny that I simply had to post it on my Blogger too. This is a funny gif where it shows Rain being a failure at putting on his glasses as compared to the Men In Black. Hah! 

Have fun~!

A Small Update

Oh boy, it has certainly been a /long/ time ever since I last updated this blog and yes, I will admit that I did indeed forget about it. My real-life has been mostly sucked up by work and I'm usually too tired to do anything else other than sleep. LOL~

As for updates, well, I don't really have that many new or exciting happenings in my life. Sadly, I do lead a super boring life and that is one main reason why I have nothing to update. Because there is /nothing/. I even neglected my Tumblr blog and that is saying something. I used to be such a huge Tumblr addict and to even neglect for a day was unthinkable. Yet, the unthinkable did happened.

Of course, I will try to post updates as much as I can but seriously, there isn't anything much going on in my life to warrant a post. Unless I have something that I need to rant about. Oh yea, I do have a lot of rants bottled up inside but I tend to let it all out inside a private diary. I have been using Day One's diary app for the longest time ever and I actually do prefer to write over there than anything else. Keeping my thoughts private can be a useful thing, you know.

In any case, I shall see what I can do with this blog. After all, I just gave it a new name which sounds much more powerful than the previous one. Hopefully I can stick with it on a long-term basis.

Till then, ciao~