Monday, 4 February 2013

Condemn Tumblr App to Oblivion~!

It's been so frustrating using the Tumblr app on my iPhone 4S. I don't know why but every time I tried to post something to my Tumblr blog via the app, the posts always never come up when I checked back online. This happened so many times that it's getting really ridiculous. Gawd! I'm so pissed with the app that I deleted it from my phone. Now I only stick to using the web to update stuffs on my Tumblr blog. What a lousy app! Tch.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Oops, it's been a long time~

All right, I know this has been a really long overdue post for my blog and I admit that I haven't been feeling the urge to write anything concrete for a long while. I even toyed with the idea of blogging on Tumblr or Livejournal but in the end, I did not do anything at all.  I'm such a lazy sod when it comes to blogging. Ha~

Oh well, I suppose I can only blog when the mood strikes me. As it is, I'm more into tweeting and I do admit that I'm shamelessly addicted to Twitter. Hence, my neglect of this blog becomes more apparent as time goes by.

I will try to come on here and post something every now and then but then again, I might not. I'm such a scatterbrain, really. I can't be arsed to do a lot of things and even blogging makes me feel bored. Besides, it's not like I have any readers on here so yea, it doesn't really matters whether I post or not.

See ya all next time then~ o/