All right. Enough is enough, I suppose. Twitter RPing was fun for a while but now it has lost all its taste for me. My dispute with my former friends makes everything even worse. I am so drained from all of these drama. I do go on some of my accounts to check for replies and such but it can be so tiring seeing tweets from people whom I dislike.
Then there are people who create accounts and RP with themselves. That makes me go O.o seriously. I have no idea why they did that but they are pretty persistent in RPing with themselves. Rather impressive efforts but their horrible English do no good at all. They can't even differentiate 'she' and 'her' properly in their sentences. Oh gawd~ It is so terrible when it comes to trying to decipher what they are saying. Oh well. This person's way of having fun is different from mine, so be it.
For now, there are a couple of Twitter accounts that I'm sticking to but my mood and mentality is making me go on
CuteTragicGirl more often even though it's a very new account. I made it such that I'm not following anybody at all nor are there any followers on it. Feel free to follow if you want to. Besides, I am starting to like the username more. CuteTragicGirl sounds like my life right now. I'm all alone in the Twitter world anyway. Who cares? No one and neither do I care. I just tweet whatever I want and no, your opinion does not matter to me.
Anyway, it's just Twitter so I'm not going to take it seriously anymore. You can claim to love me, hate me or kill me. Whatever. I don't give a fucking care to your opinions. My life is my own so shut up. I'll bitch whenever I want and I'll stop whenever I want too. Nothing else matters but myself. Go ahead and spy on me, tell on me, whatever. My opinions are my own and I shall express myself freely.
And, that shall be all for now. Tch~